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tanda elipsis bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tanda elipsis"
  • tanda:    clue; exhibit; forerunner; grave accent;
  • elipsis:    ellipsis; eclipsis
  • elipsis (penghilangan kata):    ellipses; ellipsis
  • tanda:    clue; exhibit; forerunner; grave accent; hallmark; indication; mark; omen; portent; precursor; sign; symbolize; symptom; token; trace; vestige; sign (linguistics); marker; pledge; prognostic; german
  • tanda-tanda:    auspices; boding; spark; suggestion; suspicion; foreboding; misgiving; presentiment
  • menunjukkan tanda-tanda:    bear evidence of; bearing evidence of; bore evidence of; born evidence of; borne evidence of; given evidence of; showed evidence of; shown evidence of
  • menunjukkan tanda-tanda dari:    gave evidence of; giving evidence of; show evidence of; showing evidence of
  • tanpa tanda-tanda:    not a shadow of
  • barisan tanda:    sign sequence
  • cupang (tanda):    hickey
  • fungsi tanda:    sign function
  • gardu tanda:    signal box
  • gerak-tanda:    signal operation
  • memberi tanda:    said the word; say the word; saying the word
  • mercu tanda:    landmark building; landmarks
  • The most common form of an ellipsis is a row of three periods or full points (...) or a precomposed triple-dot glyph (…).
    Simbol untuk tanda elipsis adalah rangkaian tiga tanda titik (...) atau suatu glif yang berupa tiga bintik (…).
  • The resulting novel, written to represent a stream of consciousness and using ellipses and monologues to show internal struggle, was very different from earlier Indonesian novels.
    Novel yang dihasilkan, yang ditulis untuk mencerminkan aliran pikiran manusia dan dengan menggunakan tanda elipsis dan monolog untuk mewujudkan konflik batin, sangat berbeda daripada karya-karya sebelumnya.